Textured vegetable protein

Linda McCartney vegetarian pulled chicken

three stars

A vegan product which involves neither pulling nor pullets in its manufacture. It is a mix of soya and wheat which has a firm texture with a pleasant aroma and flavour which is not similar to chicken (happily). I use this to mix in with stir fried vegetables or eat with pasta. It makes a nice change from soya mince but is a little overpriced given that it is essentially the same thing

VBites Sage and Onion Slices

five stars

Ten ready-to-eat slices which are high in protein without being too high in fat. Each slice is ten grams in weight and makes a very nice sandwich, filled roll, or salad. I have not tried it torn up in stir fry but it might work. The taste and texture are excellent. Once opened, the pack must be eaten within two days so not too much to eat even for one vegan

Asda meat-free mince

three stars

This product appears to be vegan but is labelled only as vegetarian, a situation which is not unusual. Read the ingredients list and decide for yourself. This is a soya mince with brown colouring and seasoning to match. It goes well with pasta, in soups and stews, or in stir fried meals

Tesco meat-free mince

three stars

This product appears to be vegan but like the above product, it is labelled only as vegetarian. Read the ingredients list and decide for yourself. This is a soya mince with brown colouring and seasoning to match. It goes well with pasta, in soups and stews, or in stir fried meals

Morrisons meat-free mince

four stars

This is a vegan minced soya product with brown colouring and seasoning to match. It goes well with pasta, in soups and stews, or in stir fried meals. The taste is pleasant and the texture quite soft rather than chewy